2023 And we're still walking :D

So, 2023 came around and progress has been slower than ever! There’s been basically nothing new… … other than a few minor things:

  • I’ve refactored most of the UI code to be more couch friendly (eg: controllers can now manage UI’s).
  • Some work on better managing collisions is underway (I gave up on dynamically creating collisions, too much work to maintain + lags the fuck out of ya when you load up :0)
  • Android version builds (running is a different thing…) !
  • I did compose some music but I’d rather not share that yet (if ever outside of the game :pain:) :D
  • I’ve prepared to integrate SteamSDK to the game for funny fucking with your friends moments :)

That’s about it, nothing major - there’s progress but it’s slow. I’ve also tried to to incorporate the story to the game a bit better but once again I can’t really model for shit so I can’t recreate my vision in-game as good as I’d like… but god dammit it’s still my vision so shitty models it is (’till I get around to making them better :D)

  • k


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FYI: The project is still ongoing, somehow. Just been… honestly struggling a bit but slow and steady wins the race right?